please empty your brain below

I agree with what you say about non-cricket fans being interested, asking, and not really having a clue what the answer is - for example today two cricket fans and one not were talking, I asked what the latest score was, and was told. The third person said "Is that good or bad?"

But then, that's part of the fun of Cricket

I'll never be English enough to get cricket but I have had some great time since the begining of the season as a couple of fellow bloggers tried to make me understand the game. I admire their patience as time after time the killer questions "is that good or bad?"; "so who's winning then?"; "why did the umpire make that funny gesture?" and "how can it be a draw?" crop up.

I fully understand it, and ended up explaining certain key points to my partner who patronisingly tried to explain a few basic rules.

But just because I happen to understand it doesn't mean that I have to reverse twenty-five years of not caring. I'm glad I don't work Mondays, because I could easily not care until 3 pm, then I had three hours while he watched the TV and I did useful things.

Hooray! I've got my TV back!

Sign the petition to keep it on terrestial TV.

I had a very productive day yesterday, free of interruptions. Did someone say something about cricket? Meh. Not interested.

I knew there was some reason I chose to live in Scotland.

My interest peaked yesterday and has now died back to its usual level: non-existent. I'm always enthusiastic to see English (and other UK, where appropriate) sportspeople doing well, but with cricket I draw the line at actually watching the damn game. It's sooooooo boring. And it takes Countdown off air, which is unforgivable, so at least the Sky deal has made pensioners and students happy. See, there's always a silver lining...

You will need to explain Cricket to me! It's the only thing my father never teached me anything about.

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