please empty your brain below

Many happy returns! Looks as if we're both the same age

Happy blog day dg

Happy blog birthday - mine will be three in January.


As well as looking at how one's blog changes, it's interesting to look back at how one's self has changed - even at our age!

Many blog returns...

Awwww, look at him, all grown up...

Happy Blogday, from an semi-regular reader who's kinda shocked that he's been popping in here for the last THREE YEARS!! Holy moly, what the hell have I been doing with my life...

Happy Birthday. I'm just over a year old.

Happy Bloggy day to You,
Bloggy Happy day to You,
Blappy Hoggy day Dear DG!
Happy Bloggy day to You!

I'm only just over a year old too, so I won't be having a bloggy day for ages... *sigh*

Crikey, three years eh? Good stuff DG, keep it up!

Happy BD3, dg

Keep 'em coming!

Huzzah! The interweb is a much better place for it, too.

wot misty said!

Congrats on your third year. I've not reached my first yet. But that does mean I'll be eligible for best newcomer at the bloggies.... ooops, think I just reached point five in the list below!

Mazal Tov you old geezer!

Congrats. Here's to the next three

happy birthday and don't ever stop!

Felicidades, Sir.

Many happy returns, DG.

Happy Birthday dear sir

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