please empty your brain below

...and it's that sort of post that keeps me looking every day

You are so funny DG and that post was spot on

Eeeesh! What a relief. Half way through paragraph 3 I was thinking "Oh no! Is this the end?!?"

I was thinking pretty much the same thing about my own blog recently.

Not helped any by my going through my archives for reasons that are not important.

Funnily enough I came to the same conclusion that you have.

...which obviously makes you a clever bugger.

(But we knew that already)

i tend to double-post issues that i have absolutely no idea that i've covered before - so i try and blog day-to-day issues. trouble is, nothing is happening right now.


It aint what you say it's the way that you say it.... that's what keeps us here!

*momentarily appalled to catch NiC singing a Bananarama lyric, then assures self that it's actually a Terry Hall song, thus NiC is cool again*

People with a short attention span and a bad memory like me don't mind repeats.

Yeah well lifes like that anyway, and the London posts are always full of new stuff.

If I had to place a bet on which blogger would be the last to give up blogging, you'd be my choice.

And I'm a Value Witch, not known for gambling recklessly, so I reckon everyone's safe for a while

In fact, I reckon you might just be the only one of us who's never gone unexpectedly quiet, or said they were giving up (only to return), or constantly redesigned their template (after the initial khaki to silver), or cut stuff from their archives. Hmmm

Why are there 0 comments shown on the front page of that archived cereal post?

When you click, the comments are there, but it shows up as 0 comments on my PC.

dg writes: It's a Haloscan thing. None of my old comments get deleted, but only the last 800 or so appear in the comment numbers when you load an archive page.

Phew, Elsie... I did wonder hard about it myself for a minute too

...and then you make write a funny blog about things you have already blogged..all works don't it ;o)

I made a double post once, about "failed space age" and the death of the 1960s technological Utopian dream. God, it was embarrassing. And now I've reached the stage where I don't know whether I've said stuff before or not.

Re. blogging Krispy Kremes: don't suppose you've been reading Doonesbury in The Guardian over the last couple of weeks? There's a relevance...

dg writes: Yes I've been reading, but as usual I lost interest once Doonesbury started making internationally-obscure references to American internal politics.

Heh, you and me both DG.

You can, like me, just post up the same stuff over and over, but with subtle re-writes...

Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha. Oh, that made me laugh. As I believe I said back in June 2004.

Better to repeat yourself than somebody else.

(Have I said that before?)

Phew - none of you have noticed that I've actually written a post on this theme before...

Tuesday, September 09, 2003
Course, the trouble when you've been blogging for a year is that you've already discussed everything once, so there's nothing left to write about...

I think you should write something about petrol prices.

dg writes: Is a graph not good enough?
And anyway, I've not actually bought any petrol since last century.

May I remind you dg that you are contractually obliged to blog daily until 2012. Or whenever Bow Station is complete, whichever happens soonest.

DG wrote:

"Phew - none of you have noticed that I've actually written a post on this theme before...

Tuesday, September 09, 2003
Course, the trouble when you've been blogging for a year is that you've already discussed everything once, so there's nothing left to write about..."

D'OH foiled again

How much more proof is needed that no one reads the archives except the person blogging themselves.

It's a great shame that nobody reads the archives of any blog, I reckon.

But the price bloggers pay for making their latest post so incredibly easy to locate is that reading any of the others becomes far too much effort.

I'm new round these parts - so feel free to run through a few of your "greatest hits" every now and again.

Please don't despair DG. Alistair Cook managed to write his Letter from America for 58 years- - don't forget we need you

Think of all those monthly magazine editors who just look at what was in the issue for the same month a year ago. Just a rewrite and out it comes again - every spring the gardening column talks about cutting the dead heads off your daffodils even though the weather may have been such that they havn't even flowered yet.
Just keep on writing and remember our memories may not be as good as yours.

Krispy Creams! hmmmm the one with pudding and chocolade :D

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