please empty your brain below

was that 2 years ago already ? i enjoyed that series.

I'll look forward to it. But may not comment. You know how it is!

I say "Hurrah!" to London posts

Me too.. hurrah! Look forward to it.


Will there be a wall-chart too?

I ♥ London

Yes, was about to say was Piccadilly REALLY a year ago?


Perfect! I will be reading.

Will be visiting in the fall and you convinced me that I must walk along a bit of Regent's Canal with that series.

Maps, please, too, if you have time/energy.

Month long event?
Some of us do have to pretend to be working during the day.
Please keep up the splendid work

Yeah, like I said in the comments below...

Splendid. I'm looking forward to it.

Great! I had missed the Oranges and Lemons sequence and have just now enjoyed it.

Me too. I clicked on the Oranges & Lemons link and then couldn't tear myself away, when I should have been cleaning out the rabbit's accommodation.

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