please empty your brain below

>> 20:01 It starts raining.

Thanks. Made my day.

09:00 - Chinese contingent forget to put their watches forward, arriving for their walkround the stadium an hour early


Shouldn't it be 'HM King William V' though?

Or does one keep one's 'HRH' title when one's father sidesteps the throne?

dg writes: er, yes, thanks, 'HM' it is.

"spells out the words "Up yours Paris"."

oh yessss. Thanks for the giggle ;O)

Won't the Chinese be an hour late if they forget to put their watches forward?

Heh, heh "Up yours Paris".

Eeee, it brings up the hairs on the back of my neck and a tear to my eye with pride

very funny, DG, love it.

Local schoolchildren flood into the arena dressed as chimneysweeps to perform a medley of songs from Mary Poppins, just to keep American TV audiences happy: brilliant.

strictly speaking the Chinese would arrive 7 hours early, as their watches would be on Chinese time, not European.

BTW very funny, noseclips at the ready, an opportunity for sponsorship if ever I saw one and parallel markets. 'Noseclips brought to you by Glade, why waste your money on spray when you can clip it away'

Very funny but too scary to think Ken will still be Mayor then.

Love the 'up yours Paris' and mental imagery of BB with a Bic Lighter

btw, did you read what the BBC had to say on the day we won the bid?\\%

OK OK –we get the message
You live locally and are waiting for offers for B&B.
I’ll start at say £20 a night- I’d expect the skirting board to be dusted by then though

Fantastic! But why will Afghanistan have withdrawn by 2012? They even managed to include a woman in their Athens team last year. I'll be expecting even more Afghans in 2008 and 2012 (because in about 2006 the IOC will announce that poppy growing is now officially a sport).

When was the maypole dancing? Did I miss it?

Not to get nationalistic or anything (trust me, I wouldn't dream of it), but your side of the pond seems to mistakenly believe that your average American has anything more than a certain good-humored contempt for Mary Poppins.

Do you think King William will become King Bill?

The Australians will be hoping that Cricket is an Olympic sport by then.

Will Paula be able to lead the parade around the entire arena without stopping for a shit halfway?

Jamster? Whatever happened to them, eh? :)

No floods this summer so far, despite the prolonged rain, so the Olympic flag is safe - for now :)

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