please empty your brain below |
If you wait long enough the clock will take care of itself. See that's already one job you don't have to worry about. |
So...not that much to do then. |
Back up those files on the hard disk, you know it makes sense. |
OK, well, let me help you by tackling some of these. Dusting the skirting board behind my bed - no, don't bother: no one can see it. Tick. Throw away three years' worth of old telephone directories - hmm, think again; depending on the height of your ceilings in proportion to your height, they can be quite useful to stand on when changing lightbulbs. Really. Tick. Finish off my last six Creme Eggs before the use-by date at the end of this week - Or: keep them 'til after the use-by date, and then generously give them as gifts to people you really dislike. Tick. Iron 10 shirts for work - Ironing is highly overrated. Highly. Overrated. Hang 'em out for a while, and they will magically cease the need to be ironed. If it helps, imagine all the hours of your life you could waste ironing. Tick. Find an alternative to Norton Anti-Virus that doesn't slow my computer down - There is no alternative. Is there? Or is there? Maybe I'm just speaking as someone who's bitter that they've got such an old computer that opening Notepad slows it down. So think, you could be me. Tick. Clean my windows on the inside (even if I can't reach the outside) - Who designed windows that can't be reached on the outside? And were they monumentally stupid? Really, don't bother with this task, because I can guarantee you that your windows will look just as clean (or dirty) after you've done them as they did before. And that'll depress you. Learn to love your ever-dimming natural light. Tick. Go out for the evening - Nah, that's highly overrated too. Tick. |
Alternative to Norton would be F-Prot Antivirus, but I'm not sure if you can get it for personal use. We have it on all of our computers, but we live in an educational institution. It's a very fast program, it updates everyday, and you hardly notice when it does. Might be worth having a look. As for ironing, I'd do it for you. I love ironing. But you only need to iron the bits that people will see |
You know, if you wear a jacket to work, you only actually need to iron the front bits as nobody knows the rest of it is creased. dg writes: I never wear a jacket to work, just a shirt and tie (and the tie's not so big it removes the need for ironing the shirt) |
Sainsburys in Whitechapel has a 'coinstar' machine thingy. The last time I used it I hauled what turned out to be £52 worth of bronze down there. Always handy when you need to rob a bank on a Sunday and they're all shut. |
I'll keep doing the spells... |
When converting your jar of change, don't use the 'convenience' machines at large supermarkets, who charge a fee for their 'services'. Be a good boy and go to a bank instead (make sure you go at lunchtime and count how many girls tut at you as you hold them up - serve 'em right for taking 10 minutes at ATMs). Um - slight misogynistic divergence from le point there. (I'm channelling Blue Witch today) |
What's an endowment mortgage? |
How have you got a landlord and an endowment mortgage at the same time? Don't tell us that you've got a secret retreat in the countryside? |
Sheesh! What a faff. |
Throw away all unwanted electrical items as quickly as possible before the W.E.E (I kid you not) Regulations come into effect. |
I can help with the Chocolate egg problem |
If creme eggs are anything like Fry's Cremes, they'll be good and perhaps even be a lot BETTER about 6 months aftet the use-by date due to the fondant in the middle going hard. MMMM. He're another indulgant chocolate tip: only ever eat lindt lindor *warm*. They EXPLODE in your mouth with chocolately goodness. |
Think about: for antivirus. I'm pretty sure they've got a free version there somewhere that you can click on and use indefinitely. |
Grisoft certainly does have a free version. Been using it for years. |
*pleased that spells on Steve are finally working. 2 incidences today* |
Pleased to please you (I'm still chuckling at the thought of DG annoying silly office girls in short skirts though. Hehe!) |
AVG free isn't at all very good compared to some of the £££ alternatives. |
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