please empty your brain below

'Less' is the opposite of 'more', yes, but should that be 'Posts that get fewer comments'? (Like 6 items checkouts in supermarkets). I'm not saying, just asking...

I've found there is no real law to the comment per post ratio. Occasionally a longer (thought out) post of mine will get a few comments, then the next one-liner about toenails doubles the number of comments, then vice versa.

Although I'll hold my hand up and say that I do tend to skip your London posts I'm afraid, it's just a big city to me.

Witchy's supposition is, IMHO, correct. It should be "fewer comments" as a comment is a discrete item.

Thus today there maybe fewer comments and also less commenting.

Alertnatively there maybe an awful lot more as we argue this point

I read your London posts with relish as I have the opinion that I don't LIKE London all that much, and your posts help me to see the other side of London to the dirty streets and millions of people all trying to walk in my personal space, because usually I'm trying to get somewhere in a hurry, whereas your walks are NOT in a hurry, and you research where you're going, which makes for an interesting read.

I don't tend to comment because I live in Warwickshire and what I think is not relevant to other dg readers. However, I have posted this because it would seem that what I think MIGHT just be relevant to you dg, on this occasion.

Thanks & keep up the good work.

What about the conkers?

Thanks, I really enjoyed reading this.

Only DG could have us making comments on making comments on comments.
And me? No comment...

Hi Diamond,

Where do I get the RSS feed for your blog? I use Live Journal (which is more like a journal than a blog) and I'd love to add your feed to my friends page.

dg writes: RSS-type feed here

I like your picture quizzes the best though!

i must admit to agreeing with gordon - although i do read some of your london posts

DG! i have read your blogg every day for about 2 years and when i go away or don't have access to the net for a while i love having a backlog of DG to come home to. but this is only my second ever comment (my first was on your last birthday). just so you know, i'm here, even if you never see me x

I'm always amazed by the things people pick up for commenting on mine. It tends to be the little throwaway mentions in my posts that get most attention - most recently who we think would be the best actors to play Dragonball Z characters if there was ever a live action film; responses to my saying how much I find hairy backs/chests - and socks - a turn off; and loo seats...

I feel like I'm under pressure to come up with a good comment about commenting now. Gah!

"We're all lovely"?

No comment.

There must be some mathematical formula for determining the number of comments one can get from a post of a certain type factoring in the time of day, the day of the week and the weather.

Maybe not.

So if I don't comment on a blog you might think I don't care or didn't appreciate the effort put into it...but if do comment but don't have anything worthwhile to comment about I might be considered a comment whore. wahhhhh blog reading just got complicated!!!

I always read - but never comment - am shy - and lazy - tick box is a great idea

No comment

There's a guy in the middle of America that has visited your city many times and also visits and loves your unique, insightful posts. Here's hoping that you continue to favor the world with your writing, and pictures, for a long time to come!

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