please empty your brain below

I completely agree. Yet, as so many people have pointed out, it's not as though we're strangers to terrorism (e.g. IRA).

I think it's doubtful that it's possible to "go back" after an event like this.

Now, I think we can expect new privacy-invading legislation going through Parliament and ID cards etc.

There's still so much more to know about the attacks on Thursday.

Great post, I would have been a tad more jumpy when the train stopped in the tunnel though! And sod working in the city if you have to be a sardine twice a day ;(. On the subject of identity cards, I dont think they would have done anything to stop the terrorists, but they would have come in useful to identify the victims then maybe there wouldn't be so many heartbreaking scenes of relatives and loved ones touring the local hospitals looking for the lost.

Most of us already carry around several bits of plastic with our name on. I'd still rather not have to fork out £100 for another one.

Me neither - particularly since the concensus seems to be it wouldn't have done anything to stop anything - don't see the point really.

Just £100 for an ID card? You'll be lucky...

The subdued mood is also obvious round here, 40 miles from the epicentre.

On the roads yesterday, people were being infinitely more patient, courteous and sensible than normal - I suspect because it is a major 'dormitory' area for commuters to London, and everyone knows someone who was involved first-hand.

I thought £300 each was the projected cost for ID cards? And that's now...

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