please empty your brain below

Who'd have thought? Excellent news - just hope we can pull it off...

just fantastic!

Somebody at work just sent round an excited email saying "LONDON 2012 - It's coming home!!!!"

Nice sentiment, so I felt a bit of a Scrooge by pointing out that, er, well, actually the Olympics didn't originate in London. But never mind.

Glad to see someone's happy about it at any rate. Good coverage, old boy.

oooh I think they've been reading your blog in singapore....
I though Paris would get it but was pleased to be proved wrong!

God the suspence of those last few moments...would they ever stop singing?...did they really need to put the envelope on a little cushion?..Go on just open it NOW!!...oh God he's going to give a speach..Then Finally WOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!*passes the champers* See you there :o)



I think I'm in shock. The world seems to have gone all fuzzy.

For the first time since leaving the UK, I want to be back there, in Trafalger Square, celebrating. A friend just emailed me telling me the Red Arrows flew over their office.

V jealous.

YAY LONDON!!!!!!!!

YAY London!

I can't believe it - I'm actually excited.


Can bblb and bbln(x3) book the spare room please

Wwwaaaayyyy hey. Awesome. Could they drag it out any slower. Absolutely brilliant news. Well done to the bid team they did a great job.

It will be a fantastic olympics.

Good old DG you have done it.

So, no more Walnut Whips for me and all the council tax payers of Greater London then...

I hope the UK Olympic Committee give you the thanks you're due dg - it's all down to you, you know.

Hooooooorah! Fabulous news and a great day to be an English girl in Paris! I'm amazed by the decision, but think it'll be proved to be the right one. Well done London! Let the building commence...

I cried and I didn't even know I cared!

Must pick a sport and get in training.

I'm thrilled, just down the road from me, and I don't get any increased council tax!

Woop! Woop!
Almost pushes my own bit of news into the background...

dg writes: Congrats on the new baby! She'll still be a bit young in 2012 though, won't she?

DG, please take this as an official thanks from the 2012 pepes.

Absolutely unreal. Bloody brilliant.

la la la la la, la! la la la la la, la! lo-on-don! lo-on-don! woo!

Made my day and it was only 6.50am. Am very proud to be a Londoner abroad today.


I was in Mile End at the time, you could hear car horns just after the announcement. Can't have been the locals though, apathy is still alive and well a mile west of Stratford.

Excellent news! Am very pleased by this. It'll be an Olympics to remember.

It's bizarre: 6 months ago I wasn’t at all fussed. Had there been a car sticker available which read "Not Particularly Backing The Bid" I might have even bought one. And yet, today at lunchtime I found myself punching the air and jumping up and down. I’m so fickle.


I can now remove my lucky 'UK underwear' as it's a couple of days old.

(I do have a change)

Fantastic news D.G.. Now lets show the world why we are GREAT Britain.

ha! and you know what makes it sweeter? it was the fact that we beat the french...

I was looking for you on TV but I don't think the person that I though was you was.... probably...

Perhaps we'll have some more gold medalists ready by then as well as a lot of new buildings.

I'm closer than you :-P

Is that you in the pearly king hat? Very Lambeth walk (oi!).

Well done London.

I've seen the French TV footage of the announcement.

You could hear the gasps of horror across the Channel.

Quite, quite excellent it was too.

Sacre bleu! Quelle horreur s'est passé en Singapore? Les rosbifs, ils ont volé nos jeux olympiques! Merde.

(Secretly, I'm quite pleased and a bit proud, but I really thought Paris deserved to win.)

Thanks DG, though a small correction - she's a he! I verified the fruit and veg...

The Chronicles of DG enter a new era...

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