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Well journeyed young man.

The Hoover building is indeed an excellent sight... I haven't seen it for years but may choose to drive or train it when I next go

...and home.

Hmm, ten hours to walk there but only one for the train-assisted journey home. Still, I'm glad I made the effort.

I think a nice cup of tea is called for.

It used to be my local hyperstore. Beautiful indeed, especially at night.

ps. well done! 14,000+ steps. Marvellous.

Well done - and what a finishing point. The Hoover building is fantastic, and I always love going past it, just to look at the architecture etc.

Thanks for the tip last time I saw the hoover building it was starting to fall appart, I will come to England and check it out (14,000+ steps a day keeps the doctor away)

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