please empty your brain below

Degrees are easier these days DG

I wonder if his teachers 'helped' him, as was alleged with his (half?)brother. Hopefully yours was all your own work.

Yeah, but you've got a better blog and you don't have to join the army or have a horse for step mother...

St Andrews is somewhere close to last in UK universities academic rankings. (Or at least was before they started on shit like Liverpool Moores and Manchester Crackhouse.) Plus what all the above people said.

Degree grading has always been subject to uncontrolled whimsy, whereas A-Levels are meant to have some national standards. Meant to.

Mevertheless I think this makes him the first and only graduate in the entire family. Unusual, these days. Cambridge couldn't lower their standards enough to give Pater a degree, so he dropped out.

Fascinated by your moblog thing, but I don't think all phones send emails. Do they?

Yes, he has a better result but at least you don't live in a council house.

And so far I don't wan't you publicly flogged for the enjoyment of the proletariat...

Now maybe he'll be able to get a job when they abolish the monarchy.

Prince William has the same (level) degree as I have. But I bet if we both went for the same job, he'd get it!

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