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I went to the preview of this at the Prince Charles in Leicester Square on Saturday, and loved it. The cast (minus Mark, weirdly enough) did a Q&A session at the end of that, and people mostly asked relevant questions.

Of course, we were seated in the very back row of the balcony, but we still had a surprisingly good view, and for the Q&A sessions we could at least stand up without people complaining.

It's not the film of the month - that award easily goes to Millions.

I've only seen a few episodes of this programme, but I've found it amusing. (Always out a football, ice hockey, have time to follow a whole series of anything through).
My question to anyone out there is: Will I enjoy the big screen version if I'm not too familiar with all the characters?

6:30pm update: I've just seen Steve & Reese walking along the South Bank past the National Theatre. Small world.

Sounds like a great night. I've only seen the second series and loved it to bits. The first five minutes of the movie looked promising so i can not wait to see this movie. (And Sin City and Star Wars III)

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