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Like you, I was expecting a lot more of Little Venice when I first happened to stumble upon it a year or so ago.

I did think it was more Little Amsterdam, myself... But the walk from Little Venice to Camden is still one of my favorites in the city.

I was wondering when this was coming!

Have you ever thought of writing a paper issue of "DGLG" (that is diamond geezer london guide)?

Of course, you could not put that many links per words in it.

I am waiting for the my favourite bit of the canal impatiently (tomorrow?) - going through London Zoo and I would like to know if anybody has actualy been inside the chinese themed narrowboat which appears to defy the laws of balance.

Fantastic theme - As a former Bow/Old Ford resident I eagerly look forward to the later entries!

DG, I am visiting London (from Australia) for a week next year and thanks to you I don't need to shell out for the Lonely Planet! I think I'll just retrace many of your steps.

I will, however, need to purchase a map - I don't think the textmaps are really detailed enough for a tourist -unless you're American, in which case your map of 'Yurrup' will suffice.

I span poi (the LED sort, not the flaming type) in the cavalcade this year. Much fun.

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