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It's unnerving, isn't it, to see items from your own childhood in a museum.

Oh dear - another thing that I passed on a daily basis but never went in. The Geffrye Museum was on my bus route to work for a good while. DG, you are putting me to shame.

been there and you're wrong (imhumbleo). not a patch on ikea. the new one at edmonton was surprisingly quiet last week. can you get a HUGE rug to cover a dirty patch for £8 at The Geffrye? No.
really want to see the crumb exhibition though.

And we enjoyed the Whitechapel Art Gallery last summer.

and the meatballs are rubbish at the geffrye!

I took my daughter to the The Bethnal Green Museum of childhood which also had an unnerving collection of toys and games I had played with as a child....Getting old or who?

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