please empty your brain below

Nice. Daylight sounds a very postive thing to see though.

Thanks for letting me know Blott was on, just read the book a couple of days ago (again).

You have a window? Bastard!

Now, which Abba song does this remind me of?

I want your job.

So do I - fancy swapping? I feel just a few weeks away from a stress-induced heart attack.

Does the tie count as three of the 50, or just one?

Important message:
• you do not want my job
• today was back to manic again
• yesterday was my first 'staring out of the window' day since July
• I may have a window, but I only have a view of the brick wall opposite onto which, very occasionally, the sun sometimes shines

You didn't speak to anyone at all?

I'm glad I'm not the only one to struggle with tie length.
Probably something to do with lack of practice, I supppose.

Thanks for admitting to that, I feel a closet door closing behind me.

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