please empty your brain below

Heh, heh.. and I wonder how much the school experience turned you against it? We had to play rugby at my school too (until I got kicked out into hockey for making daisy chains). But even there where Rugby was the only sport as far as the teachers were concerned the kids chose to play football at break times....

My feelings are similar... only it's footbal which leaves me cold. In a rugby stand you can still sit next to a supporter from the opposing team wiht a beer in your hand with everybody remaining civil. Can't see that happening in football.

League has sold out utterly to the money of Murdoch, hence the stupid names and the summer playing season.

Blimey, that sounds frighteningly like my own adolescence, apart from the bit about scoring a try.

I did get selected for the school 'B' team one weekend and had the good fortune to get a nose bleed after ten minutes which I used as an excuse for being substituted. Brilliant!

No, I'm with stroppycow on this one. Having been to a couple of high capacity rugby matches, there is very little to nothing in the way of crowd intimidation of the opposition's supporters. The really big matches with have ends, for sure, but even then there is no trouble, everyone goes through the same gates and the police presence is minimal. My sister, who has been to both large premiership football matches and large rugby matches, is constantly amazed by the tiny number of police at rugby matches.

I played rugby at college (yes, I'm female. No, I don't have a moustache) and enjoyed it immensely. It was out of choice though, not compulsion. I've always thought I could have enjoyed hockey if I hadn't been made to play it at school.

Football is a game for gentlemen played by hooligans, rugby is a game for hooligans played by gentlemen.

Rugby: played it once, got someone's stud in my eye. Never again.

Club rugby is ace but the violence is only ever on the pitch, not off it. Off it, it's still very civil and still very gentlemanly, even in local leagues. Or at least it is in the local leagues I play(ed) in. Admittedly, the number of injuries I sustained this season (not to mention the four operations) have made me question whether I should try to play next year but still...

Nice final pun there though, DG.

Having spent much time as a student in leicester living about half way between the rugby and football stadiums I definitely side with the rugby - a much better afternoon out and much more civilised fans and players.

Outside Highbury at 4.45 or chucking out time at Twickenham after an England match? I know where I'd feel safest.

Rugby: a game played by men with odd-shaped balls...

Rugby. One man trying to shove two mens heads up three mens arses. Don't get it.

Australian Rules Football, thats the game.

You only have to look at how it was invented...nuff said

Feh... sport. Who cares? Doctor Who's back!

It got worse at school when you had hit puberty. Because you'd grown quicker than the others and got bigger, you'd get put in the front row of the scrum. Then, when the lock or the flanker (or whoever he was) grabbed the waist-band of your shorts to pull tight, he'd never fail to yank out a handful of freshly-grown pubes, collapsing you and the scrum. With venom.

Maybe that was just my school.

The Horror!
A post like this would be considered sedition here in New Zealand, where we have the All Blacks on a raw meat diet awaiting the arrival of The Lions.
It also shows a very unmanly trait. I bet you have a lavender toilet deoderiser thingie clipped to your Loo

I am married to a New Zealander. I went to 2 rugby matches on our honeymoon in 2003(Super 5 semi-final and final, apparently) and managed to fall asleep at one of them, impressive as it was 2 degrees temperature at the time.

Did somebody win? Is it all over now?

Methinks Australia is 'more than 20 miles from the M62':

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