please empty your brain below


In the middle of the 19th century a certain volcano blew up spewing ash into the earth's atmosphere - it affected the whole world. At that time, we Brits were merrily burning coal and coke fires spewing out huge amounts of carbon into the atmosphere, creating smogs and all such other (sic)wondrous things. Was there talk of global warming then? No, quite the opposite - they feared the return of an ice age.

I remember quite well the fears of global cooling when I was a kid. The Italian television talked about this every day; and we had snow every winter, for weeks.

LOL at no. 4.

Even if Global Warming is just a myth like you said, I don't think we should stop caring about the horrible environmental situation we are in ... whether it's at home or abroad.

I thought livestock, to keep us in hamburgers, was the bigger problem anyway!

I am all for taking care of the planet - it's just that the climate hysteria, and the intolerance towards the skeptics, are so incredibly fishy... I am all ready to do my bit for the environment, just don't ram the nth scare down my throat.

It's the sceptics that are fishiest of all I-L!

Well, religious intolerance is nothing new, so that last post doesn't surprise me. The religious fervor of all this environmental hysteria is quite spectacular.

Of course, most believers out there are too intellectually lazy to do any research for themselves, they just believe everything that they read in the papers and see on TV. On the other hand, the average science GCSE these days wouldn't equip anyone to understand how lighting a match works, let alone understand the complexities of global warming or global cooling or global drying or global drowning or whatever the next global fad is going to be.

I think you should bring back your Irony flag.

Why do people believe that they can predict the future?

Some of these comments are really depressing. But not as depressing as some of the links DG provided. QED.

Quick DG, you're being invaded by "The Evening Standard Comment Cretins" !!! Any moment now there will be a post from "Kimberley" entreating us to drive more 4 wheel drives...

I tell ya, these Cambridge scientists have thrown one hell of a rubber ring to the flat earthers...Grrrr


C'mon, let's keep our cool (sorry for the pun). It's the whole attitude "either with us either a traitor" [or worse] from the climate pasionarios that worries me.

In the 1970's, predictions were that we'd run out of copper...and the whole world would come to an end. You know, no more telephone lines etc etc....

C'mon, let's keep our cool (sorry for the pun). It's the whole attitude "either with us either a traitor" [or worse] from the climate pasionarios that worries me.

Not a traitor, just "someone who'd rather believe half a dozen clowns and paid shills than the actual science".

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