please empty your brain below

May I suggest that what you might enjoy is a new challenge?

Having gone through several mid life crisis, and my third childhood, (I'm older than dirt) I have indulged in the odd toy (sports car! - I live in the country & need a car) may I offer my two bob.
You sound Content. Contentment is a rare thing these days. It tends to come with age. True happiness, I believe is to be at ease with oneself, and content with ones lot.
Jesus that sounds Pontifical, but you get my drift......
Happy Birthday!

40? It's just a number - Don't worry about it. Enjoy what you have and get out to play more often.

Happy Birthday, hope it's a good one!

Better to be satisfied than spend your life wondering "what if".


The Birthday is tomorrow.

Happy Birthday for tomorrow, DG. And fair play, if you're happy with life, don't sod about changing it!

Happy Birthday to both you and your Mum tomorrow. And as the others have said, 40 is just a number. I used to promise myself that I would "grow up" (whatever the hell that means) in 5 year intervals - but all I ever did was push back the relevant age every time I got within 2 years of it - and it does NO harm!

The construction of the webpage - especially the Bow bits is brill - and will shortly be used to show the rellies in Canada all about where I live.

If you can't be bothered to go off the rails, just order in Thai from the Kings Arms and you and your taste buds will be very happy.

It's 12.05am on March 9 here, so I thought I'd beat the rush and send you birthday greetings before I go to bed. If you find 40 doesn't fit comfortably, you could try staying 39 for a decade. It worked for me.

I've been reading your blog for about a year now. I was looking for info about Motspur Park (just idle curiosity, as I grew up there) and diamondgeezer was on the first page offered by Google. You'd mentioned Motspur Park in your post about old TV programmes (Brushstrokes). I was intrigued by your name and went straight to it � and discovered I had struck gold as well.

All the best to you and your mum.

Happy 40th for tomorrow, and 70th to your mum. And happy birthday to anyone else who has a birthday tomorrow. 40 bunny hops (sorry, you'd have to remember Gus Honeybun to understand that mysterious cultural reference)

Happy birthday for tomorrow. I hope when my time comes that I can approach my 40th as calmly as you.

Happy birthday for tomorrow! Glad you are content - its a good place to be in

Although maybe you should buy a sports car, or get a tattoo and blog about it??

Damn you and your lovely life! Seriously though, Happy Birthday. Avoid the sports car and head straight for the hair dye and some seriously bad fashion statements.

40 is a great age.

i like your outlook on your life.

Oh gowon - have some kind of midlife crisis - perhaps you could get a scary over colourful background on your blog and a shirt to match and wear sunglasses indoors, or something, otherwise you're letting the side down.

My 40s >>>>> my 30s. Being a fortysomething ROCKS. Welcome!

Welcome to the wonders of being 40.

Forty is indeed the new 30 whatever that means.

Long may you entertain us.

... but, but, but, I'm only 39
For another 6 hours...

Okay, let's peruse the options.

Sports car... no.

Tattoo... no.

Piercing... no.

London Underground panties... no.
(Yes, they do exist!)

22 year-old bit o' crumpet... hmmm...

Happy Birthday from someone old enough to be your almost-seven-year-older brother...


Many happies, DG.

Sort of done the midlife in reverse. Had the sports car at 18 and the tattoo at 30. Both have much to recommend them.

they say that the forties are the new thirties - and they *have* to be the best years of your life, especially when you look like you haven't quite emerged from your twenties ;o)

Can i suggest one major change though? It's so easy to implement - and likely to make a big difference (over here anyway): be more proactive! ask your mates out.

We have performance related pay over here at KAB. Presumably you got a top box mark or a large bonus?

The question is, DG, do you mind? You start out at the beginning of you little 'crisis-ette' sounding like you do and end like you don't. The 'facts' as you present them sound negative, but your response positive. However, there's that word - boredom. You say you'd rather be bored than unhappy. Maybe it is the youngster(ish) in me, but happiness doesn't have to be boring, does it? And 'interesting' doesn't have to mean unhappiness, surely? Or am I going to find out soon enough?

Happy Birthday for tomorrow DG.

Just stay away from those lists of things you should have done by the age of 40 - and you'll be fine.

(But you probably should have gone for the magic mushrooms though btw)

The victims we know so well
They shine in our eyes
When they kiss and tell

Happy Birthday! And to your Mum!

ah-ha! Happy Birthday for TODAY DG! and to your Mum!

I really like your outlook on life. I would guess that most people are like you but most are not so honest about it.

So you think your life is going nowhere? Far from it.

I've only just found this site and discovered what a talent you have for really interesting writing. You have a gift many could only dream of.

Have a great 40th. When you reach 45 you'll wonder what all the fuss was about.

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