please empty your brain below

Some questions DG:
How does one get selected for maypole duty?
If we ask nicely - can we see a photo of you in your maypole outfit? [in the interests of a complete understanding of maypole culture of course]
I used to lust after my teachers boxes of Croxley Script. Sad I know.

I know that Croxley Green only pretends to be a village, but dammit they do it so well! I was at a pub on the green before Christmas with family and had the inestimable pleasure of watching the Croxley Green Mummers bumble their way endearingly through George and the Dragon in the pub car park (complete with foam mat for the dragon to fall onto at the end of the fight) for the sake of some local charity or other. Chilly but beautifully barking.

I'm at the other end of the Grand Union canal at the now very modern Paddington Basin. I have to say here it's been a big improvement!

Ah the paper mill, home of chub that grew to legendary size in the warm waters of the mills outfall, brings back some great memories from the 70's. Now residing in NZ and looking through rose tinted specs!

drD: You got selected for maypole duty by being one of the 24 best maypolers in the top class at the local primary school. Nothing special then.

chris: By a huge coincidence, the Croxley brand name (and mill) live on in New Zealand.

My auntie used to work at the Dickinson Mill: God knows what she did; slapping wrappers round bundles of envelopes would be my best guess.

And twenty-five years later I won an award for a promotional script I wrote for Frank Muir, hyming the delights of John Dickinson products.

I guess that makes me upwardly social mobile? Papa would be so proud.

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