please empty your brain below


DG this is very irresponsible... I've got things to do today and I can see that this could easily push them all to the back the queue!


Ten minutes on this enough I feel, six letter words seem relatively easy to find.... so I went for an "A":


Okay, a six-letter starter: aaqqzx

A five letter word: mzxro

Another five letter word nearer the beginning of the alphabet (sorry mike!).


Can't anyone find any four letter ones?

5 Letters: AAKXQ

Well I'm feeling a bit of an arse, I've just repeated that search for AAKXQ and now it comes up with something!
Curses to Google and their flaky cluster responsible for the AAKXQ results*!

(* Or of course, my own crappy brain for not registering what was actually on the screen, heh.)


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