please empty your brain below

heh, on as ever DG.

As an added bonus I've got one of these"buffet" lunches in honour of my leaving on Friday.... they didn't give me the option of taking the money down the pub instead ;(

In our office that has a dedicated training room, there is a small catering staff that does all the meals for courses and meeting etc. I was there for a whole week a fortnight ago and the first three days were exactly as you said (although the quality of the sandwiches was marginally better).

However, we had a word and on the Thursday we had a selection of warm finger food (honey roasted cocktail sausages, anyone?), followed by a curry on the Friday, which was as good as we could have got from the curry house over the road. Excellent.

Honey roasted cocktail sausages are addictive.

That had me on the floor laughing!

Except what you just described sounded really luxurious! Ten different fillings? I was in a long meeting yesterday - and there were only about 3 different fillings. Sausage rolls? Yoghurts? Wow.

Actually you forgot to mention also how the sandwiches always seem to "curl" up after 60 seconds of exposure. And also how unlucky you are (which happens to me very often) when the chairperson of the meeting decides that we shouldn't take a proper break - and instead people should just help themselves whilst your still in the middle of YOUR presentation. So - that by the time you've finished: not only are there only the curled up ones left - and the mayo in the prawn ones has probably developed listeria - but all the crisps are gone too - and there's probably no clean plates left anyway - and because it was a "working lunch" (I hate that term) you have't got the opportunity of just popping out to get some decent ones from the shops - AND you have to spend the rest of the meeting not only ravenously hungry and prepared to eat anything but you won't or can't - you're surrounded by plates of rotting sandwiches that nobody wants that are really beginning to smell - because the catering people took a peek through the door and noticed that you were having a "working lunch" so didn't want to disturb us until after we finish the whole meeting a few hours later in the afternoon.

I hate them as well.

"regional sweetbreads hermetically sealed inside impenetrable plastic wrappers"

Sweetbreads? Aren't they offal? Or is that sweetmeats? Did you mean shortbread?

Maybe you did mean offal, it sounds like the lunches are that bad...

Oops, yes, sweetbreads are indeed offal (made from the pancreas of a young animal). But it wouldn't surprise me if a few of these hadn't been breadcrumbed and slipped them in beside the samosas, chicken legs and vol-aux-vents.

Sweetbreads aren't just offal, I'd better warn you. They're the bollocks! And by that I don't mean they're good...

Oh, my lunch was indeed better. Two pints of Guinness and a plate of bacon, egg and chips.

Cue hoary old sweetbreads joke:
A missionary's visiting Africa and happens upon a tribe of cannibals. Instead of eating him, they invite him to dinner, whereupon the chief explains they've just conquered a neighbouring tribe and are celebrating their victory by feasting on them. The missionary is so touched by the local hospitality that he puts aside his misconceptions about cannibalism, and indeed finds he's rather enjoying himself at the repast.
"So are you having a good time then?" the chief asks between mouthfuls.
"Yes, thanks," says the missionary. "I'm having a ball!"
"Ooh, no, you don't want to be eating that! Put it on the side of your plate for the dog!"

OK, its my first comment on 'geezer. I think it might be time for a reality check. Many people(like me!) who work hard and forced to attend seminars in the day don't have the luxury of catered lunches. Even bad ones. I have to get my own sandwich. Be lucky for what you get..........Most of the real world has to pay for it! David

I'd much rather pay to get my own lunch, to be honest. I know I'm lucky to be getting food provided, but when I see how much gets thrown away I reckon most catered lunches are just money down the drain.

I'm absolutely with DG... The lunch may be free, but your lunch hour isn't. We need a rest to be useful, not scoff down some totally unappealing, indistinguishable sandwiches. It was the same at my workplace. Add to that the obligatory orange juice and sparkling and still water.

One day it got worse and we spotted a maggot crawling through the lovingly arranged pineapple. The fruit was never eaten again without thorough inspection.

When I used to work for an employer and attended these sorts of functions, I used to take a black bag along and get the caterering staff to put anything non-meat that was left over into the bag which I'd take home for my hens. Anything they wouldn't eat I avoided on the next occasion.

I do get the odd buffet lunch and get to spend the first few minutes looking at it all suspiciously and then demanding to know what is vegetarian. (God help any vegans since the veggie choice is always cheese or egg.)

And why is the cheese always grated so it falls out of the (always white) bread and sticks to your clothes? Well, OK, I know why - it makes the sandwich look fatter with more air.

To be fair, I had one nice one recently with a variety of veggie foods including a vegan rice option.

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