please empty your brain below

Spot on as ever DG.

I still wear my pointiest boots at every possible occasion. They were all the rage in 1981 (or something)..... and they come back into fashion every few years or so. Thus I spend most of the time being incredibly cool and way ahead of fashion

Speaking as someone with wide feet, I think it's a brilliant idea. Not that I own a pair, mind you... (And I do have a pair of chocolate coloured trainers. So they can't possibly be stylish.)

My feet just dont go into pointy shoes, I find the square ones much more comfortable, unles I am wearing my ratty old trainers

*cough* round toes are back this winter (for women).

Last year, shoe manufacturers got sued by lots of people for making 4 inch pointy toes that caused people to have accidents because their feet couldn't fit on stair treads, so they fell down/up.

The MD/CEO of one company got so annoyed about the compensation payouts disappearing his bonus that he took an axe and a pair of the offending shoes to the management/design planning-for-next-year's-styles meeting.

"Next year, the design will be this!" he pronounced dramatically, and brought the axe down on the ends of the pointy shoes *chop*. And the designers scampered off to do his bidding.

The rest is history. Or 'fashion'. As you say.

Sorry, strangely I can't find a supporting link for this

The problem comes when one's 'sensible'/'normal' footwear wears out in a season where square or pointy toes are in. Heels too are part of the equation.

Maybe I could find the replacement I'm looking for in a shoe museum?

My Dad wears brown trainers. I didn't realise they were fashionable. I'm sure he'll be delighted...

You can always find any shoe shape you want, you just have to look that little bit harder. Or go down to Brighton - a fashionable town that always takes a fashionable delight in being several seasons behind (and thus, several seasons ahead).

square toes are out - pointy shoes are back. at least, this side of the channel.

The black shoes I bought yesterday are square-toed, because I don't want heels or buckles or soles that look like the bastard offspring of football boots. Sigh. As it was, I had to trawl 8 shops to find something I could actually wear.

Elsie - it's alright for you, you don't have size 8.5-9, Z fitting, feet

The cycle has got very very fast. I am currently wearing square toed shoes at work that I bought about 3 years ago whed square toed shoes were in, didn't wear for a wee while and now I'm wearing them again and they fit in fine. (Don't want you to think I'm a fashion victim - I didn't wear them for a while because I lost them - the timing if purely coincidental).

Give me a pair of trainers any day of the week, quite frankly. I do have a brown pair though.


Size 15 black 8 hole Doc Martens all year, every year.

My "best" shoes are square-toed, but I've been wearing them regularly for over four years. Prophet of style, me!

Clarkes Commandoes with built in compass in the heel: guarantee that you will find your way home of an evening, providing of course you don't mind taking your shoe off in the middle of a storm to get to the compass: wonder why they never took off....

The shoes I'm wearing right now are black square-toed ones, with an unusual one-sided, velcroed leather strap thing. They were bought at Clotheshow in December, which means they must be very fashionable indeed. Or could it just be that they were pretty cheap? I am directly descended from, and share a surname with, three generations of 'boot and shoe makers' in late C19th Bristol (according to the census), which I feel should give me some unique insight into this subject. Sadly it doesn't.

Don't mind whether shoes are pointed, round or with no toes at all. They can have little bells on the end for all I care (hmm, maybe at Christmas).
What I wish they'd do is sell pairs of shoes in differing sizes depending on the individual's feet. My left foot is a full half size bigger than my right, so one shoe I can barely get on while the other flops around like buggery.

Current shoes - New Rock motorcyle boots, size 10, without the chrome bits on the heels this time (so '99!). The most comfortable footwear I've ever worn, and easier to break in than a DM (but the same bloodsoaked calves for the first three weeks or so).

i've just bought a harris tweed jacket. i'm 40 now.

My favourite Caterpillar boots are not only square-toed - me so fashionable, oh yes - but they squeak when I walk too. How cool am I, eh?

I'm one of the supposed 'young trendies'. Well, young anyway (23). I can't stand the square toe.

I think they look clumpy and frankenstein's monster-y. My nice round toed Vans skate shoes are my pride and joy.

Vive le roundtoe!

What I dislike is the clumpy fat heels on women's shoes which are right at the very back of the shoe. Have they no understanding of load-bearing at all? And they're ugly

"It's a well-known economic phenomenon but tragic to see it in operation, for the more shoe shops there were, the more shoes they had to make and the worse and more unwearable they became. And the worse they were to wear, the more people had to buy to keep themselves shod, and the more the shops proliferated, until the whole economy of the place passed what I believe is termed the Shoe Event Horizon, and it became no longer economically possible to build anything other than shoe shops." (Douglas Adams)

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