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I'm sure you're right about the PP dance routine.... I can remember the one to Dawn's next hit "Tie a Yelow Ribbon"... the PP dancers frolicked round a few twigs (of hazel I think!) tying on yellow ribbons. Bless them... if we still had dance routines like that TOTP would still be as strong as ever!

that song is taking me back a bit ....

I can still remember the Crackerjack (CRACKERJACK!) version. Peter Glaze was my main portal into pop back then.

NiC, how can you have forgotten 'What Are You Doing Sunday?'; a number 3 hit in between those two?(!) Pan's People probably dressed as vicars for that one. Trivia fact: Dawn's first UK hit, earlier in 1971, was called 'Candida', but it's not about thrush.

Chig! You're right... how can I have forgotten "What are you doing Sunday, baby, Would you like to marry me"..... excllent stuff. And another happy bounce along tune too.

Fond memories of this being performed by a Dawn tribute band at the Riverside Caravan Centre in Bognor, circa 1971/2/3. Of course the band always played it AFTER nine when us kids weren't allowed on the ballroom floor. Yep, really, the ballroom floor. GJ

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