please empty your brain below

Very funny, though methinks someone hath tweaked the time stamp a tad. 23:53 on THURSDAY... Unless you're on CET, of course, in which case, Happy New Year's Eve.

Yaargh! Even the comments...

Surely this perpetrator is perpetrating anti-crimes? Breaking and entering I'll give you but, the leaving of things (generally nice things but, there may be underwear and socks...) is not quite as bad as taking things (like the DVD player, VCR, TV etc)

You've got to make these into a mini-site. I'm particularly taken with the fear of the family home.

Once again - seemingly endless supply of witty humour from Diamond Geezer! Wishing you a all the best over the holiday break - and look forward to reading more in the new year!

Given Mags' comments...
*wonders how much her Original Copy is worth on ebay*



10.30 on the 26th and DG hasn't posted for TWO DAYS!

Something's wrong.

Perhaps he's having a holiday too...
Is Scary having withdrawal symptoms?

I can't cope, frankly. I'd kind of banked on DG resolutely continuing to post over Christmas. What am I supposed to do to occupy my mind now, eh?

DG is a relentless blogging machine, and his disappearance can only be attributed to VOODOO*.

*Or shitloads of drink.

Not guilty Scary

Although I have my suspicions...


Just found your blog and laughed myself sick over the Xmas preparations posts - wonderful stuff!

Have bookmarked - will check back regularly.

Having been at the parents' for Christmas, I was hoping the entire blogsphere would stop for a few days...ha. My bloglines was crammed with swines posting when they should have been incommunicado like myself.

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