please empty your brain below

It would be funny if it wasn't so true...

You know I was going to say exactly what he said...

Re No 3, my daughter (in Japan) said how fearful everyone there is of his next war on terror being against North Korea, especially since they recently fired a missile over the top of Japan just to show they could!

11) Realise that Arnie isn't constitutionally eligible to be president but figure it doesn't really matter because hardly anyone can even spell "constitushun"?

Your cynicism is a joy to be shared.
I now look forward to a lot more paranoia in Jakarta.
Ho hum.

number 4 is the clever one. with any luck you'll wipe out those pesky middle east countries with the rise in sea levels too.

not to mention norfolk...

I think that is one of the finest summaries I have seen yet. As always DG, brilliantly summarized. Oh and #8...genius.

we always thought this democracy malarky was over rated anyway

12) Realise that Arnie isn't constitutionally eligible to be president but don't worry because Dubya is about to amend the constitution to overcome that...ahem...anomaly.

Superb DG

Later GJ

Pat - and already the UK government are colluding with the US over that possibility by not issuing export licences to UK firms wanting to ship products to that part of the world that might, posssibly, have just ever such a teensy weensy defence use, if cleverly modified in certain ways....

Send out leaflets on election day, telling people that, to ease pressure on the polling stations, Republicans should vote today and Democrats TOMORROW. Oops! Forgot. That actually happened this week.

Superb analysis, but just as I was beginning to calm down a little since yesterday, you've now made me really ANGRY again! We had the same thought about Hillary though... (Shameless plug for yesterday's World Of Chig.)

do have to wonder how the Arnie vs. Jeb thing will work out in a few years.

after all, Jeb's done his part - twice now - and he's gonna want some payback from big bro.

i do have to say that, as decent a man as Mr. Kerry is, he doesn't have the charisma, nor did he elocute his ideas in a way that surpassed the "The Passion of the Christ/vote for God" and "protect us from terrorists" anxiety blocks.

it was never quite the same after Howard Dean pulled out. and the biggest speader of rumors about him - were the democratic bigwigs.


Recommeded Reading:

"What's the Matter with Kansas?" by Thomas Frank.

Arnie v Hillary?

Oh God, you really think so?

Oh God Oh God Oh God.

I might move planets, I think. It's got to be better than this on Venus.

Actually, I've read that Jeb Bush has confirmed that he will not run for president in 2008.

Bush Senior will instead.

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