please empty your brain below

I like the bit in the middle when you're actually allowed to complain about the complete pillock that is elected to high office.

Without getting your hands cut off or anything like that, obviously.

Why am I called "Faux Fun Fur"?

I suspect because you've been posting naughty comments elsewhere Alan dear

"Don't vote - the governemnt always gets in".

I've just done an OU course on Democracy, and I actually wrote this into my exam answer. I'm doomed, aren't I?

Only if thats all you wrote. Hopefully you made a convincing argument

Mr Duck, you're screwed if you were writing about a presidential election; whole governments never get to be President, I've found.

"The problem with living in a democracy is that when more people disagree with you than agree with you, somebody you disagree with gets elected." - depending of course, on whether you have an electoral system that makes any sort of sense.

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