please empty your brain below

Thursday 16th September
There are a number of squashed conker cases on the pavement.

Friday 17th September
There are a number of open conker cases still hanging on the tree, out of which conkers have fallen.

Saturday 18th September
I saw an old man collecting conkers from the pavement outside the station and putting them in a plastic bag.

Sunday 19th September
There are now plenty of conkers on the ground. I guess the old man hasn't come collecting today.

Monday 20th September
After dusk I saw two small boys in school uniform selecting conkers from the pavement.

Tuesday 21st September
All of the empty conker cases have been swept into the corner to the left of the station entrance.

Wednesday 22nd September
The leaves on the horse chestnut tree have a distinct yellowy-brown edge.

Thursday 23rd September
There are still some particularly large conkers hanging on the tree.

Friday 24th September
The pavement is spotless.

Saturday 25th September
A particularly zealous cleaning operative is clearly being employed to keep the pavement beneath the horse chestnut tree free from conker-related detritus.

Sunday 26th September
If you want conkers you need to look on the other side of the wall outside the flats, where there are still loads.

Monday 27th September
There are only a couple of conkers on the pavement today.

Tuesday 28th September
There are almost no conkers on the pavement because there are now almost no conkers left on the tree.

Wednesday 29th September
The few conker cases there are left on the tree are brown and mushy.

Thursday 30th September
I think that's the conker season finished.

Saturday 9th October
Work is underway! Workmen are busy in both stairwells. They have scaffolding and big hoses.

Why were you looking at their hoses ?


Magic transformation eh...

It feels wrong to be posting on such a carefully crafted comments thread.

Passing Bow Road on the Tube this evening we didn't stop, and knew at once what your blog entry was going to be today. In fact the entire c2c line to Essex was closed this weekend and the likes of Maddie\\_C and I had to go on a bus.

Sunday 10th October
Work continues. I've never been able to write that before.

Monday 11th October
Bow Road reopens. Both stairwells have new lights hanging from the ceiling. Plastic cable ducting has been installed high on the wall above each staircase, but as yet containing no cables.

Tuesday 12th October
On the wall above the eastbound stairs there is a rough area of plaster covered by strips of black and yellow tape.

Wednesday 13th October
The cable ducting in each stairwell is not yet fully joined up.

Thursday 14th October
Ugly black cables snake across the ceiling of each stairwell, disappearing into newly-drilled holes in the wall above the northern end of the ticket hall.

Friday 15th October
50cm to the right of the existing cable-filled hole in the wall above the northern end of the ticket hall, someone has written CAM 6 in blue marker pen.

Saturday 16th October - 9.10pm
Tube trains not stopping. Man wearing hard hat and bright orange jacket leans against blue wall looking at mobile phone.

Sunday 17th October
Station closed for second weekend. No obvious activity in the stairwells, but a few workmen hanging around.

Monday 18th October
After the weekend, the lights in the ticket hall have been replaced. There are scars in the ceiling where the old lights used to be, now with some rather ugly grey metal runners bolted alongside. New characterless fluorescent tubes now hang from the ceiling. The ticket hall is noticeably brighter than it used to be. The cable ducting along the staircases is now complete, but still unfilled.

Tuesday 19th October
A pile of what looks like a lot of boxes has been dumped on the pavement outside the station. The pile is covered by a large orange tarpaulin and surrounded by grey metal railings.

Wednesday 20th October
A sign on the railings reads
Do Not Enter!!!
No Entry
Keep Out

Thursday 21st October
The pile of boxes is not piled quite so high this morning.

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