please empty your brain below

Once more you hit the nail on the head...

...clever git.

I think you should post your blog entirely in arabic for the benefit of any al-qaeda members who might need to know a bit more about bendy buses.

Heh! Absolutely bloody hilarious, as always! And yet ... also ... I have to say that I disagree that the part of the DDA that's being introduced today is over-protective nannying. It's more about equal rights for disabled people to the businesses and services that the rest of us all take for granted as being easily available.

But that's not a funny point, so I'll shut up now. Because I did enjoy this post immensely ...

Vaughan - I hope I said that it was my terms and conditions that were "over-protective nannying", not the DDA. But then I draw your attention to condition number 10

Nice one, dg. I feel so much safer...

...and that is the reason I shall be working this coming weekend too, making sure all the websites managed by my employer are compliant with accessibility regulations.

Thanks for bringing a smile at the end of a stressful week.

Off to translate into Portuguese now, lest I incur in that octogenarian lesbian's wrath.

simply brilliant

Am I the only one who perceives that DG has become rather more overtly controversial since moving from being employed in the public sector to being employed in the private sector?

Hmmm. Interesting

I had wondered...
I'm quite enjoying it

You clever bastard, you've done it again.

I laugh out loud, wonder why I couldn't have your sense of irony ~ I'm British and I do understand the word, and wish you a witty weekend.

... except that the bit of the DDA that relates to websites actually came into force in 1999, so websites should already be compliant.

But still, better late than never

Oh gosh, am I going to have to be the pedantic killjoy that points out that only 'reasonable' adaptations have to made to premises? So that corner shop that probably can't even fit a wheel chair in even if all its shelves are removed needn't add a ramp or, in fact, give a sh*t one way or another whether disabled people can buy a daily newspaper. None of them have any money anyway - too much to be spent on adapting cars, homes and lives.

Apparently I am. Sorry.

So if I go into a DDA compliant greengrocers & say I'd love a few raspberries to suck off, do you reckon they'll be many in there...

The W3G have some website accessibility guidelines at
but they're not a funny as DG's.
And they're not easy to meet, either. I've designed a page that meets their 'A' rating, and it was hard work. ('A' rating is the lowest of them BTW - the others are 'AA' and 'AAA')

I clicked the big box without ticking anything and it still let me in.

Does that mean I can sue you now?

*rubs hands*

made my day completely... well, that and your 'random blog' feature!

May I enquire as to what you will be doing with all this data you are collecting?

Obviously I'll be stripping all the names from the data and destroying the evidence, after giggling a lot at the the results.

I am reading your blog with a laptop on my lap.

My thingy is now burnt from heat of the battery.

I hold you completely responsible, please send a supermodel with butter.

I've kept pressing my fingerprint against the screen, but nothing's happening! Weep!

Very clever. I'm glad the regulations are in place, just so I don't have to see that poster of the angry wheelchair kid every morning.

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