please empty your brain below

That's enormously clever. (pssst: your ego is hanging out

OK so where are the pictures of kittens then?

But... What type of vegetable *am* I?

Everyone has their pet subjects, don't they DG?

Excellent condensation of meaning.
I think you missed this one.

Sheer bloody brilliance. Now all you need to do is tag it into some form of random number generator, then sell it as an application that posts when inspiration fails.

Wow. what an ego boost!
You've been reading my blog again!
And again.

absolutely brilliant.

(how long did that take you to do ?)

Didn't take as long as it looks, honest. The coding's actually quite simple...


Except they seem to have disappeared ... is it just me?

And what, pray, is wrong with photos of kittens?

Any damn fool can write about surviving in the rainforest with only a box of matches and a laptop. Or being a prostitute. Or - although I'm not sure if this one's been done yet - being a serial killer.

Takes skill to write about nothing happening yesterday

v.v clever. Your site is a daily must. Now, where's that picture of my cat?

*sigh* why do I get the feeling that the DG isn't ever going to visit my blog

Great post, I like that generator!!

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