please empty your brain below

End of Day 1
4 people tried adding me to their contacts list - 2 of them unfortunately while I was out.
Have spoken to two real readers - one of whom blogs and one doesn't. Very pleasant.
Anyone else?

End of Day 2
5 more people, all bloggers, added me to their contacts list.
Spoke to all five, some of whom I've been reading for a long time. Again very pleasant.
Anyone else?

End of Day 3
Just one more person, while I was out.
And I spoke to one more blogger who'd tried signing up on Saturday. Again very pleasant.
Any more?

End of day 4
Nobody new signed in. Any more?

End of day 5
One new signup, but while I was out so we've not spoken yet. Any more?

I would maybe repost to the top of the page, or a wee permapost at the top for a while. Considering the amount of readers I would have thought there was a fair few open to a wee chat.

After our chat I am all genned up on Greenwich and will be visiting it on the Bank Holiday Monday.

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