please empty your brain below

Did you go up the tower?
We noticed that the (re)unification of the tube and suburban lines is taking some considerable effort. From Hbhf, one always seems to end up at the zoo, no matter where you want to go! We also noticed that the real centre of BerLin is almost all on the former 'east sector' and is one huge building site at present -fascinating if you are into planning, architecture and transport (and of course you are). We shall return. Looking forward to reading your experiences.
I've been there twice, years ago. Same experience, I took almost identical Photos. So this might be a good example... to keep stations in good shape: don´t use them.
Could someone with a good knowledge of German grammar tell me what case "dem Deutschen Volke" is in. (Coughs discreetly, erm, that's Deutschen, DG...)

dg writes: My German O-Level (and copying skills) have let me down, sorry)

Dem is the dative version of the definite article. (the m at the end is the clue, or Eselsbrücke as the Germans call it - To whom?). Dem Deutschen Volke - The German People (to whom the building is dedicated). Of interest, the actual inscription had been planned when the building was built, but permission was refused by the Kaiser, who wasn't much keen on the idea of a parliament and was much taken by the ancient divine right of king's or emperors to rule. In the low days of World War one, he was eventually convinced to allow the inscription to added to the building, which was duly done on 23.12.1916.

A Londoner by birth, I've lived in Berlin for 32 years now, came for the first time with Fishislandskin, who has visted more than 50 times now. Anyway, I'd advise travelling/sightseeing out a bit further from the centre. Nach dem Motto: If you've been to Admiralty Arch, you haven't seen London.

Someone else mentioned the old centre being in East Berlin. Berlin was divided by Boroughs. The Borough of Mitte, the old city, happened to fall into the Russian Zone and so became part of East Germany in 1949.

Eselsbrücke ?? Donkey's Bridge??? No, it actually means mnemonic.
Thanks for all that interesting info, IsarSteve. As for Eselsbrücke, what a wonderful word!

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