please empty your brain below

Oh dear, I'm so glad two non-interested children talked me out of taking them down not to see it all.

hasn't Bernie Ecclestone got enough money by now?

And that is why I watch these things on TV (OK, so THAT thing wasn't on TV but... ohh never mind...)

So, it was shit then?

caused a right bloody hoo ha for those of us that take long lunches. i usually use the bike bay at the bottom of lower regent st when i go to the west end. came off trafalgar sq yesterday and there was a feckin' huge tent in its place! had to drive round looking for a slot for me vespa. finally found one on the pavement outside the prince charles cinema. missed the ads at the cinema because of that stupid F1 thing. loads of folk from my office went down after work. they saw nowt too! whatever next? pop concerts on the mall? gay rights marches? opera in trafalgar sq?

I had a bit more luck in getting to the front of the crowd - having stood there since 4pm though.

So if you want to see a few pictures and videos of the cars go past to see what you sort of missed. Then follow the link to my blog. (includes the smokin Jag. of Martain Brundle)

Your right, it was an absolute killer with them not setting off to near gone 7pm. A more circular route would have been better allowing the hoard to spread out a bit more too. Who thought up the idea of a straight stretch of road?


Had no idea. Met a mate for a couple of pints in Soho and I thought I saw a disproportionate number of people sporting tiny F1 white flags.

Was Jensen (cute-as-a)Button there?

Had a feeling it would be bollox .. but some extra money for the usual suspects no doubt

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