please empty your brain below

*lump in throat*
Delicious report and superb piccies.

One small point: you can jump off the new buses at any point by pressing the emergency door release above the door. True, you'll get shouted at and the bus driver will be frantically pressing his button to shut the door on you, so it helps to be pissed

Oh and "BW"? Was that magic per chance?

It's My Bus Elsie.
Headed for The Coven later tonight, when it's done its last run.

If I get my spells right

I'm planning to park it in The Coven Orchard and use it as an office cum D'Ovecote extension.

Sitting on top of those old things is just so much more... *fun* than the new busses are. It feels like you're really on a trip somewhere, rather than just being shuttled from A to B. Though maybe that's because they're still somewhat of a novelty item to me...

'BW', alas, merely stands for Bow Garage.

I own BoW Garage.

When I walked past Bow Garage at 8.30 this morning the paparazzi were already gethering.....

haha! the conductor called you 'love'!

I saw that bus yesterday on the way home from work. Was tempted to get on it for the sake of it, but it was pretty packed already, and was with my wife who's 8 months pregnant so it wouldn't have been very practical.

oh well...

I am tempted to jump on one of the last ones tonight, I still have a good valid 1 day travelcard I used to travel see my IR officer in Euston Tower this morning...

P.S.: I'm linking your blog, it's cheeky, informative and well written, imho.
Cheers! xxx

I was stuck behind three bendy-buses while out and about this week. They don't always fit into the Bus Stop bays!

It is sad and a little crazy. There's an old routemaster that drives over the hills here on a clear evening and then parks itself, so to speak, outside the local pub. Not what you'd expect to find in Yorkshire.

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