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At last. A music feature where I recognise every song, and probably know all the words too...

Ah yes, those were the days. There I was, just short of 16. Hormones all over the place and the Dickies on the radio.

Happy, happy days.

'number 1 song in heaven', 'beat the clock' and 'tryouts for the human race' are all from that year and all fucking brilliant and all in my 7" vinyl box. the extended version of 'number 1 song in heaven' is still guaranteed to make me hard (just like it used to at the high school disco when it segued into patrick juvets 'I love america').

I'm too young to remember any of these but Sparks is a top duo, I have nearly all their stuff and they are still producing material now. Their version of the Beatles 'I Wanna Hold Your Hand' is in my all time top ten.

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