please empty your brain below

Wonderful April Fools thing. Keep it up ...

I *knew* you'd be up to something like this, and I *knew* it would be published bang on at midnight as well. As these things should be, of course.

GdJ writes: Same to you, mike.

Brilliant - very funny. Er... you didn't overwrite the old stuff did you?

i must blogroll you!

Brilliant, as always!

that is supreme. *walks backwards in a 'we're not worthy' type of way*

Fabulous. I really need to learn not to laugh out loud at work - it's very difficult to explain without explaining.

"I ruffled the fur spreading round the hairy rim of his hood"


Yeah - but everyone knows 86605 was taken out of service last year and replaced by some of the more modern class 92 stock. So the joke's on you, DG, bet you feel foolish now!!!

Genius sir!

('weak lemon drink' - nice touch!)

Absolute genius!

*applauds in stunned amazement*

I like Anorak Heaven:
Do not get me wrong, I am no "Train Anorak".
My passion is for Signal Cabins.

Glad we cleared that one up, then!

Nice to see the April 2003 archive, as well.

This must be the blog du jour. You should be awarded the golden poisson d'avril in the next honours list.

Nooo! It's TRUE! I know it is. It's just got to be. This is exactly what I've always looked for on the web and....

Please tell me it's true.

V Good! Embarrassed to say that I find myself quite interseted in some of the links!

you are the one...!


this is so quality. I [heart] 1st of april!


Genius indeed.

That's as brilliant as heated pants.

Fooled me, I usually read DG followed by Belle. I had to back track to make sure. Thicko!!

I agree with Robin - keep it going. This is fascinating stuff.

Oh my, I'm in tears. best thing I have read all day, nay all week.

Fuckin' excellent.

Awesome. Genius. A masterpiece. Never has the cry of "Diamond geezer!" been more appropriate.


"Sometimes I think this is better than sex. Other times I just wonder what sex might be like."

Fooking Genius, can I add to the general applause above

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