please empty your brain below

Indeed it does. And one's forties are as good as you make them. I'm sure your's will be excellent.

T½ then?

Yes, that. Thanks for the fix, DG.

I spent my 28th birthday in Cambridge. I got barred from The Eagle which was no mean feat for a day trip...

Belated congrats.
Welcome to the twilight zone

PS: there were 39 comments on Tuesday's post when I looked just now.

My newly-widowed mother moved halfway across the country to Cambridge in her late 50s, despite having no family or friends there, because she thought it would be an interesting place to live. She now leads an extraordinarily full & varied life there, constantly out and about. It does rather give one hope. Happy birthday for yesterday, BTW.

drD - It seems I'm over 40 now.
Ah well, 39 was nice while it lasted.

Your picture reminded me of when I went for an interview at Kings when I was doing my A Levels. I wanted to read Theoretical Physics. God knows why - but I was only a kid then. They subsequently made me an offer conditional upon passing their entrance exams - which I did - but not good enough marks given that 60 people were going for 6 places. In the end I got offer at some other Cambridge College to read a strange combination of Mathematics with something else - which I declined much to the protest of every teacher at my school who tried to persuade me to change my mind. I went to the shittiest comp in Leicestershire you see - and they were preparing a bronze plaque with my name on it to put up in the foyer in celebration of their first "Oxbridge" student. Despite numerous home visits to me and my parents by headmaster I stuck by my decision - and by that time all the other universities on my list had rejected me and I had to go through clearing to get a place on a course I really did want to do. I ended up going to a "real" university: Leeds. Physics & Astrophysics. Never looked back. But have visited Cambridge a few times. Always very cute. Nice pic of the chapel DG - sounds like you had a nice day.

Ah. Leeds University. I was there only six months ago. The nice lady at the till in the university refectory took one look at me and charged me student rates for my meal. I like Leeds University.

Ah - the refectory - the memories come flooding back. This is where I remember we used to go to watch concerts (for a couple of quid!) of bands doing the Northen college-circuit - e.g. Madness (on their umpteenth last tour), Suzanne Vega, Steel Pulse, New Model Army plus loads more I can't recall now cos I'm tired and about to go to bed. I do remember that the famous Andy Kershaw used to in charge of "Ents" at the Student Union at Leeds(before he was famous).

Are you sure she didn't think you were a mature student? (Leeds is popular with mature students.)
Sorry - only joking!

Anyway: what were you doing at Leeds Uni a few months ago?

Same as I'll be doing there in three weeks time. Nuff said.

The flag was at half-mast because the Vice-Provost of King's College died. Or so I am reliably informed by a King's student.

As a Cambridge lass born and bred we moan and groan about the tourists in large groups and the students running you down on their bikes, the parking is terrible and there's not a mountain to be seen for miles....but one look at Kings College chapel in the sunlight and some pratt falling off his punt into the Camb and I realise how fortunate I am to have such an historic and lively city on my doorstep. Glad you had a nice birthday - come back soon!

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