please empty your brain below

Never had a bath in my entire grown-up life. The hot-cold effect is a characteristic trait in this country where uniformity of water pressure in a houshould cannot be guaranteed in most houses that pre-date the 1990s. So - if someone opens a tap elsewhere in house whilst you having shower - then hot-cold oscillation effect happens. In recent years some new houses are being built with "unvented" hot water systems - which is where constant, uniform water pressure is applied to every hot water tap - even if all are open at same time. Meaning that the hot-cold effect of showering has been completely banished!

It's better to p*** in the shower than the bath.

However, I'm a lady and I prefer baths. Certainly at this time of year, when the downstairs shower room always seems colder than the upstairs bathroom

If I had a jacuzzi, sure I'd take baths all the time. But standard bathtubs are usually too small, too uncomfortable and get cold too fast. And you'd have to shower for an unbelievable amount of time (assuming a modern shower head) to waste the same amount of water.

I don't worry about my feet. They spend a good 5-10 minutes being soaked in soapy water, what else do they need? (And my shoes smell fine, thank-you

I haven't lived anywhere with a decent shower in years. Luckily, this is all about to change very soon. Once I have the luxury of choice, it'll go something like shower if it's the morning, or bath if it's the evening.

You can indeed fit two people in a shower - and it's amazing what they can do with a rubber duck and a bit of imagination.

You can fit two people in a bath, but I always feel sorry for the poor sod who has to lean against the taps.

you can get a thermostat fitted on the shower tap(s) so that you have a regular temperature running all the time - saves having to bother with the 'controls' first thing in the morning.

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