please empty your brain below |
I've used the anti-google bot on my template this time round. The google hits can be amusing but are time consuming for anyone with a genuine search, and some of the hits I ended up getting were just deeply disturbing. |
Yeah - you know what - I noticed starting week-before-last that my logs suddenly developed LOADS of "Google Image" requests. And I've *never* linked to an image ever. But I've got several people on bulletin boards and forums linking to my images though - perhaps that's what leaked the crawler in ? |
Jag - you may not have linked to any images elsewhere, but you have plenty of fine photos on your site. It's even easier for the Googlebots to find those, and to link to them. |
I've been "benefiting" from the same effect, which kicked in not long after my blogging hiatus started; since then, I've actually been getting the same number of visits as I was when regularly posting. This makes for a pleasing - if pointless - continuity. |
Why thank you DG! |
I once linked to one image; over the past month I've had what must be in excess of 400 people visiting trying to find it. |
Hey Jag - anyone whose work is abruptly relocated to Slough deserves all my sympathy! |
I've been having the exact same thing...I've even gone way back into my archives to remove the offending link. Its quite demoralising to realise that you're not as popular as your hit count suggests.... |
Oh DG - please don't say stuff like that - I was just beginning to get used to the fact - you know - make the best of a bad thing etc. ... |
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