please empty your brain below

I plan to go to work for most of the day, then have a snack at lunch. No flowers, no chocolates, no holding hands in public, and no venereal diseases. Am I doing something wrong?

98\\% of the world supply of pink coloured ink is used on Valentine's Day. FACT.

This year, I'm looking on the bright side when it comes to Valentine's Day.

(i) It comes immediately after the unlucky occurrence of FRIDAY THE 13TH. So, y'know, with any luck most couples will have come a cropper today - fallen under double-decker buses, that kind of thing (joke! it's a JOKE, OK?!)
(ii) Valentine's Day is on a Saturday this year. At least this means that the majority of us will be available to avoid the inane lovey-dovey prattling on of our work colleagues, as they drone on about what romantic things they're doing for the day. Phew.

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