please empty your brain below


If you didn't have a search facility in the sidebar the webmaster of the safe links site would have an excuse for not having done his homework properly (I haven't checked, but my money is on it being a bloke).

Well if he thought it all right to link you in the first place then he probably won't notice (I agree with BW about the sex).

I think you're safe from getting children visiting. When you were a kid, would you have used a service offering safe links for kids?

On point 5 - didn't the (ahem) GREAT US President injure himself eating pretzels while sitting on the settee watching sport?

Oh yeah, pretzels are fat-free - see? A sign that fat-free food is bad for you....

did someone mention sex?

Brilliant. I'm linking you immediately on our wholesome and vaguely Christian site.

I like its chewing gum blue shade. Bit like mouthwash also. Most antiseptic. My blog isn't there, for reasons I can only begin to imagine. But congratulations!!

Who cares if poor childhood health is cutting back on your life expectancy? Who wants boring old things like pensions and Alzheimers anyway?

Awesome lines :)

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