please empty your brain below

I think they'll be cocktail cherries - so maraschino, not glace

Like the idea of them vibrating slightly, whatever kind of cherries they are.

Useless Concorde trivia: Remember the Concorde that crashed in Paris a few years back? The one of the tires got punctured and the tire debris ruptured the fuel tanks. Well, the tires were made at the Goodyear factory here in Danville, Virginia not a half mile from where I'm sitting. My Dad worked there for over 25 years building aircraft tires.

I told you it was useless trivia.

Maraschino, eh BW? OK.
Good this, getting your readers to rewrite your blog for you

And Scott, that's my kind of trivia.

How much are a set of 1980 salt and pepper pots with Concorde logo worth BTW? Mummy BW asked if she could take them home. The nice air steward said yes and that she was the first person ever to ask - everyone else just assumed that they were freebies.

I hasten to add that the flight was a competition prize. Mummy BW would never have spent that much of her own money on such frivolity. Any more than I would...

Very funny. Now see my personal account of a Concord flight and see how spookily accurate DG is in his timeline.

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