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Excellent! Even I will be giving up Weatherfield for Walford tonight!

I thought it was more to do with the daffodils than the actual canal itself; maybe it is a carefully balanced mixture of both?

Thanks to the prgramming geniuses at BBC America I won't be seeing that documentary on the miracle of the headless EastEnd publican.

You know what DG? I get the Picc tube from Hammersmith to Alperton every day for the first half of my journey home from work - and I always stare out of the window at the urban view as the train pulls into Alperton. On this part of the line - the track is high up above the roads and houses - and just before the train gets into the Alperton - it sort of "flies over" the Grand Union Canal adjacent to an industrial estate. It's easy to see why the location was chosen - it's surrounded by private industrial estate - is quite secluded and has very wide and "picturesque" towpath etc.

Very informative, one thing to note that during the summer, some of the canal routes does become infested with little flying insects/bugs in water in such a large number that the surroundings do not feel safe to inhabit. I am sure the food supply was covered/sealed properly during transportation of goods in those days.

dg writes: I have never experienced this.

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