please empty your brain below

You'll all be pleased to know that Witchy has done some spells and that last statement is now untrue. But I'm not allowed to tell you that :X

Can I volunteer for the Jerry Springer show when I hit London in August?

Sure, but just to sit in the audience - no appearing unexpectedly on the stage as a surprise guest...

Ah well, just as I thought, nobody in London had any ideas at all. Bet you were all out enjoying the sunshine anyway

wish i'd read this on saturday instead of today (monday). we woulda loved you to have come and sit in our garden under our gazebo and drink cold beers while we pottter about snipping and watering. sorry.

I did manage to spend my Sunday afternoon under a gazebo-substitute drinking cold drinks watching people potter about snipping and watering.

However, next time it's a Mediterranean weekend, do ask me again. It'll be 2008 though, probably...

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