please empty your brain below

But ribbons are such a great conversation opener!

Chances are someone wearing an unfamiliar one would just love the opportunity to tell you all about their current favourite cause.

I must look into the feasibility of yellow and brown ones

NOOOOOOOOOOO .... it's bad enough having to deal with the etiquette of hankie codes, will it matter which side you wear them on (give or receive), wether they are upside down or not, what the different combinations means

Blue Witch, I'd advise against yellow and brown given what they mean in hanky code

DG - knowing how much you love the spikey-haired one, I think I should mention here that daughter no. 1 has a red and gold ribbon that mentions National Gareth Day....I know where you can get one if you want to add it to your collection!

Dare I even ask when National Gareth Day is?
Hope I've missed it.

See, Douglas, I said ribbons were a great conversation opener

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