please empty your brain below

So much ado about chocolate eggs and pink bunnies and little downy ducklings!

Looking forward to 2011 then - the only time Easter Day will fall on my birthday in my lifetime!

After reading all this interesting blurb, as well as taking the time for it all to sink in.. I realise how insignificant "Hooray Boris's" grand idea for Routemasters really is..

Hi Jack
being an expat currently, I am much enjoying your London blog. Im ignorant about east london and only learned of Diamond Geezer when my daughter said she was moving to Greenwood Road near a flower market leading me to do some surfing. Thanx for all your topical info. You are on my Favourites list now.
cheers clarke

And what exactly IS a golden number?

Debster, that was on Friday. Do keep up

Thank you - I've been waiting for someone to explain this beyond just a vague "it's summat to do with the moon". My birthday was the 19th and I don't ever remember it falling in the same week as Good Friday.

Yes, yes, yes... but let's have some topicality... when did it last snow on Easter Sunday?

BW, that was yesterday, do keep up

Hi... your explanation of the calculation of the Easter date is incorrect. Here's how it's actually done:

Anonymous, yes I know.
Today's first paragraph is the simple version.
I explained the proper version (and linked to that page) on Friday, do keep up

I can't wait for 2011, as it coincides with my birthday. I wonder how much chocolate that will result in.

A lot I hope.

That's twice in one week that both Debster and I have been wrong in a comments box

I know... pull these posts tonight, then do a DG quiz on their contents. We'll find out who read carefully and understood then... *copies and pastes quickly*

Good to know it is the earliest it'll ever be. Quite annoying, actually.

Hey, I saw the full moon last night. And now I know where to come if I ever again have any questions relating to the positioning of Easter within the year. Goodness knows how you managed to find this lot out. My brain's given up on the maths long ago. In any case, however, you've done some good work, DG!

I'm a little tired of hearing how the early Easter has been to blame for everything (the weather, poor foorball team performance, retail sales) the past few days. Reading why it's been early has been significantly more interesting! Thanks DG

I may have read it but that does not mean I understood it.

Oh and BW, I think we will have to sit on the naughty step until we have caught up ...

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