please empty your brain below

And how many connections are going to be made between that and the TV programme earlier in the week (or was it last week?). One of those BBC investigative ones where someone went undercover for 5 weeks and filmed secretly.

They found tube night maintenance gangs sleeping on the job, using unsafe working practices, not receiving training (sorry, no pun intended), not being supervised or co-ordinated etc etc.

When the BBC tried to show the video footage to the Powers That Be they refused to even talk to the reporter so it was put up on a lorry projection screen outside the building, for all to see. Afterwards London Underground (or whatever they are now called) issued the usual waffle statement disclaiming all responsibiity.

WHY does there *always* have to be this kind of tragedy before serious issues of public safety in large dinosaur organistions are taken seriously?

Fantastically useless, but perhaps not entirely unrelated fact:
The deafening screaming of train-wheel flanges on the Central Line tracks around Bank apparently reaches 102 decibels westbound and 107 decibels eastbound.

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