please empty your brain below

Just one meta-comment: the two things I like about DG's blog are, first, the excellent daily material, and, second, the lively and good-natured community of commenters.
Another meta-comment ... I was looking for a place to say that Hyde Park is boring and the post would have been improved if it was about kittens.
An invitation to pedantry! Wonderful! Thanks, dg!
Have 'we' reached a new low? On top of having to make corrections, spot omissions, point out inaccuracies and highlight glib generalisations plus question spelling & grammar 'we' now have to (part-) write the blog?! What is this all really about huh? Is it saying 'you lot' don't realise/take for granted etc all the effort put in? Or is it a test to see if said readers are worth the effort? or maybe it both. maybe it part of the new 'self-serve culture'...provide the goods; but you scan and pack, so to speak
This is clearly being an eye opener to those of us who don't appreciate just how high quality DG's writing is, and how brave he is to invite and accept comments. I was a technical writer for many years where we did that, but of course the subject matter wasn't mine. If I was doing creative writing like DG I'd find it difficult to accept all the comments.
Well done DG!
Given that it's Pedants' Day, I'll enter mischievously into the spirit of things and consider myself licensed to point out that I think DG often includes a Deliberate Mistake in everyday posts, using 'either' when 'each' is required, e.g. 'despite the grandeur of the gate and arch at either end'.

In fact, this isn't just being pedantic because this usage could have implications in reality, e.g. specifying 'there shall be an escalator at either end of the platform'. That could end up being a very expensive mistake if you were expecting two escalators but the contractor chose to provide only one.

It Pays To Be Pedantic !
@ John Maltby

Yes, we're really spoiled; a high-quality post each day on a multitude of topics that one never realised would be so interesting, especially with some pithy observations and humour.

I'm often distinctly unimpressed with the so-called professionals who not only make elementary grammatical and factual mistakes but clearly have very little knowledge and understanding of what they are writing about.
You make it seem so easy DG.
I've tried and have to come up with anything at all!

Deeper respect!
You and the commentariat excel today.
*failed* to come up with anything at all!
Including the word fail!
I second Cornish Cockney's observation. Even a few minutes head-scratching trying to produce a word or a phrase (let alone a pithy sentence or a final paragraph) demonstrates powerfully how amazed we should be that DG manages the whole shebang every day.
@ Grumpy Anon - does it matter if it is DG "teaching us a lesson" or to make him feel more appreciated? It's incredibly difficult to churn out this volume of researched work day in, day out at the quality level DG consistently achieves. I've never really understood how he does it while holding down a full time job. I could never have turned out the volume of high quality prose he manages after a day of work. Heck I couldn't manage it now and I'm not working!

I only had a brief look earlier and a scan through the comments and quickly concluded I didn't stand a chance of making a sensible contribution.
@ PC

How he does it? Maybe todays post is a clue? Draws in help from others perhaps.
Grumpy Anon is really going over the top here. Today's contributions are mostly mediocre (with a tiny number of honourable exceptions), so if DG was "drawing in" such help, he would need to spend even more time and effort (than he already does) knocking it into shape!
Well, there's one thing it's managed to do: if you count up all the replies, the total is well over 150!
Which - I believe I'd be right in saying - is 'quite a lot'
@ Malcolm

You have been fooled perhaps into thinking the DG blog is always the doing of one person.
It is the doing of one person, i.e. me.

(although admittedly I did have a guest post back in January 2005)

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