please empty your brain below

24/7 remains one of my favourite films - looking forward to seeing Made in England.

I think you'll enjoy the soundtrack too (although the Strawberry Switchblade song definitely hadn't been released at the time).

How ballsy of Bristol City Council to disregard the 18 certificate awarded by the official body and give it a 15 their own.
Standing Applause

Interestingly in how the young skins are into ska and Toots & Maytels features on the soundtrack. Surely yoing skins in 1982-3 were listening to the Cockney Rejects, Cock Sparrer, Splogenessabounds and the Business? Plus in some, *but not all*, cases some rather dodgier bands politcally-wise. The old ska, Laural Aitkin, Prince Buster etc stuff was the preserve of the old 'Sprit of '69' skin. Even Madness and the whole 2-tone thing peaked in 1979! This is typical of film-makers and reminds me of Billy Elliot, supposedly set during the 84-85 Miniers' Strike yet featuring The Jam, who broke up in 1982! And I should know who was apparing at the 100 Club in 1983, coz I was there!

I think you'll enjoy the soundtrack too (although the Strawberry Switchblade song definitely hadn't been released at the time).

I saw the trailer... was unimpressed. Then it said it was an Einaudi score and half of me wants to see it just for the music.

I want to watch it just so I can whinge and say "bah, that doesn't look much like Grimsby to me"

Most of it was filmed on the St Ann's Estate in Nottingham. Just to warn you...

Don't tell me you accepted one of those invitations to a premiere? You sell out.

The premiere was in Grimsby, Sam

Isn't this just another (to mis-quote from le cool #10) " plot to lazily re-release the same tale of plucky northern types overcoming adversity in an unconventional way year after year after year" ?

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