please empty your brain below

londons burning ... they seem to have forgotten the major fire that was in peter hain's undergarments only last week!

I ought to have predicted mine would be the Winter Olympics, considering I already knew that they opened on the actual day I was born

I just spent half an hour looking at kittenz, thanks.

Oooohhh! Kittens!!!

That Brent Cross thing is the worst kind of transport wankery. It's a "we must build this because it looks pretty on a map" scheme, rather than doing any real analysis of whether people will use it, or how much it might cost.

The whole organisation seems to lack any understanding of how to talk the government's language on transport, which is a shame.

I love the way you set off to discover a new borough... I generally love the way you love London! I lived there for a year before moving away by choice rather than necessity, and so I am sort of a london-lover from afar... I read your blog and dream of day when I can return and walk the streets of random parts of London more often than I do now.

Rolf Harris. Crikey.

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