please empty your brain below

we're still all here, we just don't ilke to comment as much.

Don't cut back on the writing. We love every word. Well, almost every word.

What is this good job? Can we all have one?

Ok, guys,we've got until midnight on Sunday to add 32 (actually 28 now) comments to this blog, to get DG's stats up to last year's figures... that should be doable

I comment less purely because I can't from work. For whatever reason the comment box now wil lneve open on my work system. (I can't complain as I might have access to the blog stopped as it is "a waste of time"( not my view I hasten to add but that of my employer))

dg you are as good as ever ,

we are just a little more lazy.

I'll second ColininThailand with regards to commenting. Your blog is just as good as it has always been. I'm also wondering what's happened to the Mystery Count this year…

I stopped commenting when your response box started asking me to log in first. I don't like to log in any more than I have to - you never know what you are letting yourself in for. Happily, that now seems to have ended.

Some might say that my contributions here are insufficiently frequent. I could not possibly comment.

I wonder what your work/play ratio will be next year thinking of what you said a while back about job security.
Another comment to get your figures up.

DG, I'd comment more had I more clever or insightful thoughts... But here's one more for the stats!

Sometimes I am too busy with school work. I take a quick peek but then I have to get back to the grindstone.

Well, bang goes reliability and validity in these statistics too. What is the world coming to? :)

And I've *almost* given up on the correct usage of less and fewer... ;)

No,don't write less. Maybe we should comment less but more often

And then there's the mystery count ... you could always try posting pictures of kittens, that might get more comments.

If you feel OK with just 6 hours then I don't think there can be a problem.....other than that you're heading towards Thatcher's reported lack of shut-eye!

Is blog commenting going down as RSS feed reading goes up? I can read your post in my RSS reader, but have to do ONE WHOLE EXTRA CLICK to then open it in my browser.

It's amazing how quickly this month has flown by. Your low-calorie pie is great food for thought. I'm inspired by your eloquent nuggets of observation and creativity. Enjoy yourself this weekend DG! I'll be glued to the Olympics on TV. (and folding laundry...) Of course I'll check back to read your blog & comments tomorrow.

I don't know about the quantity of comments, but the quality is as high as ever - I've just read Friday's contributions and genuinely enjoyed reading them.

And can't wait to see the mystery count...

I refuse to get sucked in to this dastardly plot to artificially increase the number of comments.
ps If this appears twice it is just a slip of the fingers...

I love to read your articles, I don't post much myself as I live out side the UK. Therefore I have a limited personal knowledge about most of the subjects, such as tube travel.

I never seem to have anything witty enough to add - so normally I just keep quiet. But I'm still reading...

Interesting your Blog comments peaked in the same year your Blog content dipped (2006). Perhaps we were all complaining at the shortfall of 199 words on the year before!!
Re sleep: I'm sure the quality of your sleep is so much better by not having someone tossing & turning and/or snoring beside you, thus enabling you to be able to fit sufficient sleep into less hours!

6 hours sleep a night? I would definitely keel over. I need at least 8hrs. Are you really human DG?

At 750 words a day you should be writing books

I'd comment more too but it´s very hard to write something reasonable let alone witty after your daily gems. Keep writing.

Commendably good Work/Life balance. I suspect the 6 hours sleep is pretty representative of people who spend non work time online, although I need the first cuppa in the morning to reboot.

The actual work time is surprisingly balanced though; for some of us 50 hours would be low before travel. Not complaining, just observing.

Year on year, I read more blogs as I add a few regularly but never leave old friends, though occasionally a blog is deleted or no longer updated. So I leave as many comments overall, but on more blogs, so they're thinner spread.

In addition, I tend to engage more with people who comment on my blog. I don't mind in the least if someone whose blog I respond to doesn't visit mine, but if someone does talk to me, I'm more likely to talk to him. Or her.

Thing is, your posts tend to have such an elegant arc that comments are not required. One doesn't want to lower the tone.

Your comments may have gone down but the quality of your posts hasn't.

There are several places I will be visiting in London on my trip in July that I probably wouldn't have known about without reading this blog.

Next year can you include amount of time spent researching, writing and managing blog? Must be almost a full-time job in itself.

i like the new comment box... now that it is not part of a known company system it gets past the work fire wall... which means i can comment (and read) to my hearts content...

Same for me with Michael. I live in Greece and have little to comment about tube, peperation for the Olympics or London's lost rivers for example..

Wait till July when I come to East London for two years.. I will then have much more to say (and write..) :)

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